So, I've spent the better part of the day packing, tweaking, adjusting, posting, etc. etc. - and I think I'm ready!
Check Second Life search for individual listings - the fun begins on Saturday at 7am slt - but look out Friday night for some impromptu streaming from the dorms (maybe!)
Much more info on the blog:
And yes, I'm bringing Jelly's sheep slippers!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Upcoming: RFL this weekend, and MMMv2.0 in Montreal!
Relay For Life in Second Life has now had several years of activity, each year breaking the record set by the last. Here is the schedule of themed laps as they will happen throughout the weekend. I went to the sims for a bit of a preview yesterday and the builds, as usual, are stunning!
Two weeks to go until MMMv2.0 - the Montreal Musicians' Meetup, which will be a wonderful time for all attendees, in both physical and virtual venues. Mixed reality, here we come!
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