Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Testing the Intans in The Mists

I must say I am very very grateful for the lengths that my friends will go to in order to help me out. Here are Paddy and I, and 2 of my oldest friends in SL - both straight :) - who, for lack of availability of female avatars on the spot at the time - agreed to dance with each other!
Names have been omitted to protect the truly innocent ... 

Actually, I didn't even have to ask ... you boys are so cute!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Mists of Nitida - new space preview

The name might change if I get another brainstorm. This one's not intended for anything but a place to come and dance - anytime - and it's proving great fun in the building; found a couple of very neat water effects to add as well. Though the whole thing is still raw and unfinished, here's a preview pic.

It's not that hard to find if you start at the Ridge (or my profile picks ;-) ) - here's Toby pondering a fountain.